Green Computing meets Green Energy
Green Computing meets Green Energy

Green Computing meets Green Energy


In the beginning of September PhD students and MSc students attended the Summer School in Lille, France on Green Computing meets Green Energy.

The Summer School is organized by several European universities and research institutions through the LUCS and PACE INTPART projects. The partners are: 

  • University of Lille, France, 
  • Simula Metropolitan Center for Digital Engineering, Norway
  • University of Oslo, Norway
  • University of Stavanger, Norway
  • Technical University of Berlin, Germany, 
  • GT-ARC, Germany
  • Technical University of Munich, Germany

– This is our first in-person event since the Covid-19 outbreak, and we are happy to announce that it was a successful event, says David Hayes, LUCS project manager

Speakers from both industry and research institutions presented their work on the intersection of energy-efficient computing and renewable energy, including their reciprocal impacts and benefits. 

– A key aspect of the LUCS and PACE INTPART projects is building partnerships and collaborations. This just doesn't happen in a virtual streamed event with mostly strangers. That is why we worked so hard to make this in-person event happen; especially professor Romain Rouvoy from the University of Lille. 

To create a safe environment and comply with local French laws a valid EU COVID certificate was required for all activities. 

– Even with the extra covid regulations, the participants were really delighted to be there after such a long time without such events. Our hope is that the "seeds" planted at the Lille Summer School will grow into rewarding and productive research collaborations. 

LUCS (Learning to Understand and Control nation-wide Smart grids of energy prosumers) is a collaborative project between SimulaMet, University of Oslo, the Distributed Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of TU Berlin, and the German Turkish Advanced Research Centre for ICT Berlin. The project is funded by INTPART and aims to provide knowledge and experience that will assist masters and early doctoral students with experiment design and performance analyses of smart grid systems.

PACE (Partnership for joint Curriculum Development and Research in Energy Informatics) is a collaborative project between research groups at University of Stavanger, University of Oslo, Technical University of Munich, and University of Lille. The project is funded by INTPART and aims to strengthen the research and educational activity on energy informatics at the partner institutions.

There were students attending from Oslo Metropolitan University, University of Oslo, University of Stavanger, and University of Tromsø in Norway together with students from Technical University of Berlin, Technical University of Munich, Toulouse INP, University of Lille, Université Grenoble Alpes, and University of L'Aquila (Germany, France, and Italy).