Research areas
Selected research projects from SimulaMet

AI-Storyteller: Intelligent Content Curation for Sports

ColoCompare: colonoscopy guidance and AI assisted procedure comparison
Digitizing and Automating the Diagnostic psychiatric Assessment Process (DADAP)

Distributed Learning and Cooperative Optimization for Multi-agent Autonomous Wireless Access Points (DISCO)

Interview training of child-welfare and law-enforcement professionals interviewing maltreated children supported via artificial avatars

Simulation-Based Training for Collaboration within and between Health Services

The Synthetic hEalthcare dAta goveRnanCe Hub (SEARCH)

TrACEr: Time-Aware ConstrainEd Multimodal Data Fusion
Zygote - increased research capacity in applied biotechnology and sustainable breeding for the Inland region

5G-VINNI: 5G Verticals INNovation Infrastructure
FLEX-MONROE: FIRE LTE Testbeds for Open Experimentation
From Energy Systems to Energy Justice
LUCS: Learning to Understand and Control nation-wide Smart grids of energy prosumers
MobRob: Resilient Networks Mobile Broadband Measurements

MONROE: Measuring Mobile Broadband Networks in Europe
NEAT: A New, Evolutive API and Transport-Layer Architecture for the Internet
Raksha: 5G Security for Critical Communications

SMIOS: Successful ICT solutions in the public sector

Unified PCIe IO: Unified PCI Express for Distributed Component Virtualization