SMIOS: Successful ICT solutions in the public sector
The public sector invests large amounts every year in development and management of ICT solutions. Some investments give good returns in terms of better services or higher efficiency, while others result in little or no avail. A recent survey shows that 10-15% of all projects stopped before they delivered anything at all. The potential for better utilization of public ICT projects is therefore large, and the SMIOS* project aims to identify success factors in successful public projects.
The SMIOS project's main objective is to strengthen the public sector's ability to succeed with the digitization of services and other ICT-supported activities. The project will generate and disseminate knowledge about success factors, based on the experiences of more than 100 completed ICT projects. The experience gathered will include areas such as new management, concept, procurement processes, collaborative processes, customer-supplier agreement forms, project management, development methods, quality assurance, portfolio management and management of ICT solutions. As far as we know, this will be the largest study of this kind ever conducted in Norway.
Project funding:
Regionale Forskningsfond
- Politidirektoratet
- Sykehuspartner
- Lånekassen
- Posten
- Oslo Kommune
- Difi
In addition, the project will involve members of the HIT network, which is both from private and public sectors.
Project leader:
Professor Magne Jørgensen
*SMIOS is short for "Suksess med IKT i offentlig sektor"