Casper Lassenius
Adjunct Senior Research Scientist
- Department
- IT Management
- Organisation
- Simula Metropolitan
- Research Interests
- Agile development Global software engineering Management of software development Software engineering education
Technical reports
M. Jørgensen, J. E. Hannay, C. Lassenius, B. Ngereja and J. D. Patón-Romero
Effektiv oppstart av smidig IT-utvikling
Journal Articles
J. S. Molléri, C. Lassenius and M. Jørgensen
Backsourcing of IT with focus on software development—A systematic literature review
Journal of Systems and Software
Journal Articles
N. B. Moe, D. Šmite, M. Paasivaara and C. Lassenius
Finding the sweet spot for organizational control and team autonomy in large-scale agile software development
Empirical Software Engineering
A. Salaou, D. Damian, C. Lassenius, D. Voda and P. Gançarski
Archetypes of delay: An analysis of online developer conversations on delayed work items in IBM Jazz
Information and Software Technology
Proceedings, refereed
A. Putta, Ö. Uludag, S. Hong, M. Paasivaara and C. Lassenius
Why Do Organizations Adopt Agile Scaling Frameworks?
Proceedings of the 15th ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM '21)
P. Mohagheghi and C. Lassenius
Organizational implications of agile adoption: a case study from the public sector
29th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE '21)
Edited books
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming
22nd International Conference on Agile Software Development, XP 2021, Virtual Event, June 14–18, 2021, Proceedings
Journal Articles
Ö. Uludag, P. Philipp, A. Putta, M. Paasivaara, C. Lassenius and F. Matthes
Revealing the State-of-the-Art in Large-Scale Agile Development: A Systematic Mapping Study
arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.05578
Proceedings, refereed
P. Mohagheghi, C. Lassenius and I. O. Bakken
Enabling Team Autonomy in a Large Public Organization
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming - Workshops
Journal Articles
S. Wagner, D. M. Fernandez, M. Felderer, A. Vetró, M. Kalinowski, R. Wieringa, D. Pfahl, T. Conte, M. Christiansson, D. Greer, C. Lassenius, T. Männistö, M. Nayebi, M. Oivo, B. Penzenstadler, R. Prikladnicki, G. Ruhe, A. Schekelmann, S. Sen, R. Spínola, A. Tuzcu, J. L. de la Vara and D. Winkler
Status Quo in Requirements Engineering: A Theory and a Global Family of Surveys
ACM Transactions of Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM)
Proceedings, refereed
A. Putta, M. Paasivaara and C. Lassenius
Benefits and Challenges of Adopting the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe): Preliminary Results from a Multivocal Literature Review
Product-Focused Software Process Improvement
Journal Articles
D. M. Fernandez, S. Wagner, M. Kalinowski, M. Felderer, P. Mafra, A. Vetrò, T. Conte, M. Christiansson, D. Greer, C. Lassenius, T. Männistö, M. Nayabi, M. Oivo, B. Penzenstadler, D. Pfahl, R. Prikladnicki, G. Ruhe, A. Schekelmann, S. Sen, R. Spinola, A. Tuzcu, J. L. de la Vara and R. Wieringa
Naming the Pain in Requirements Engineering: Contemporary Problems, Causes, and Effects in Practice
Empirical Software Engineering